week 01: Project management


Introduction to the course and the first practical assignment: Getting a taste of how to use Markdown Language, how to install and use Git and how to use GitLab to deploy a website for the project documentation.


Markdown can be used to quickly write up texts and add formatting in a simple and easy way. We will use it in the process of documenting our course progress.

To get a quick overview, one can use the Markdown Cheat Sheet.


Git is used for version controlling projects. The modifications done to a file can be committed to create an anchor point in the progression of the project, which could be revisited by a roll back, if needed.

Setting up Git

Downloading Git

Git can be downloaded here.

Setting up User Information

by running
git config --global user.name "[name]"
git config --global user.email "[email address]"

Adding a SSH Key

As authentication method we will use a SSH key.
First it needs to be generated, by running
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "<email>"
then the generated key can be output by running
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub (if the public key was placed at the default location)

Basic commandpalette

Command Description
git clone <repoUrl> An existing repository gets cloned into the current working directory. Now the repository resides locally and new files can be added or exisiting files modified.
git status Changes, that were made to the files, will be displayed.
git add <path> Stages the files that should be prepared for versioning. (asterisks (*) for all files)
git rm <path> Staged files will be removed to not be included in the commit.
git commit -m "Commit message." The changes will be recorded in the version history.

Interacting with the remote repository

Command Description
git fetch Gets the version history from the remote.
git pull Gets all changes that reside remotely.
git push Pushes all changes to the remote.

Git bash example: git status
Git bash example: git status

Deploying a website with GitLab Pages

The documentation of our projects will be tracked here, with GitLab Pages.
To set them up the Template Files can be copied into the local repository and can be modified.
By pushing those changes Git Lab creates a new pipeline to deploy the website.

And there we go!

Resources and Materials


Markdown Cheat Sheet GitLab Markdown Guide

Git Download Git Documentation Git Cheat Sheet

GitLab Pages Template

Tools used

Markup Editor: Obsidian